Plastic bell-shaped containers offer an economical solution to the waste problem in towns and villages. They are made of high quality material that resists corrosion and adverse weather conditions. They offer a modern construction and design that makes them blend in with the environment and accept a large amount of waste. They are available in different color variations and sizes, with the advantage of the option of a container with a square footprint that follows the wall of a building, for example, and thus prevents waste from being thrown behind the container.
You can also receive a practical sticker for the plastic bell-shaped container for separated waste, which will help users to understand what waste belongs to a particular container.
Plastic bell-shaped containers are available in different sizes and color variations. Our team of professionals will be happy to help you choose the right product. Color: blue, green, white, yellow
HARPA s.r.o. – DOPNER Division
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HEADQUARTERS: Příkop 843/4, Zábrdovice, 602 00 Brno, Czech Republic
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